Wednesday, June 12, 2013

31 Days!

Hey there!

For those of you who don't know me personally, one requirement of my program is that students study abroad for one semester. There are only ten of us; seven will be in London, one in Scotland, another in Australia, and then there's me... wayyyy down in Africa! I'll be attending Stellenbosch University, half an hour outside of the beautiful city of Cape Town. I feel extremely blessed to be able to travel to such an exquisite country with a rich history. Here are a few pictures before I have the chance to take my own:

**I do not own any of the following pictures. I have no copyright infringement intentions**


I'm one class away from completing a minor in Professional Writing & Editing. Part of the PWE curriculum was a multimedia writing class in which we were required to maintain a blog, which you can also see on my home page. Several people, from our exchange program coordinator to my writing teachers to my mom have suggested that I keep my experiences documented and so I'm jumping on the blogging bandwagon! Whether I have hundreds of readers or just one, my only wish is that I can close the 8,000 mile gap between me and my home. I hope to entertain and give you all a glimpse into another culture! 

Since I'll be attending a school in the southern hemisphere during the second semester, my classes will begin July 22nd and I'll be leaving the country July 14th. While I'll attempt to stay off the computer so I can absorb the experience, I'm going to try to post at least once a week. Stay tuned for posts and feel free to leave comments or email me. Thanks for coming along on this crazy ride with me!