Friday, July 26, 2013


We registered for classes today, I'm an official Stellenbosch student! :)

We are limited to 60 SA credits, or 15 US credits so I have 4 classes. The first is Drawing, which is Monday evenings. I'm excited for this one because it lets me continue drawing while I'm away from WVU's program and our professor, Ron. Next is Jewelry Design on Wednesday evenings. This is the one I'm most excited about because we get to make and keep our own jewelry! I decided I should make use of a semester abroad and take something that will benefit my curriculum at home, so I'm taking German on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. This way, I can pick up German 102 in the Spring and be done with the language requirement. Thursday mornings I have a class called HIV and AIDS: A South African Perspective. I have no idea what to expect of this one; I didn't attend the first meeting because I had no clue I was going to take it until this morning. But! I'm really excited to learn about the country I'm living in for so long.

Classes start Monday, wish me luck! Good night from South Africa :)

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