Monday, July 29, 2013

Let Them Eat Cake!... Or Not.

We've noticed small differences in the food here in our two weeks so far, such as the burgers are sweeter, nothing is as salty as we'd expect, cheese isn't shredded but instead comes in blocks, and so on. But the longer we are here, the more we start to crave our favorite foods from home, and the more we discover about our new home and what it has to offer. Lucky for me, there is never a shortage of chocolate. And we can't complain too much about the lack of salt because the little store at our residence gate has traditional American snacks like Lays and popcorn. But it wasn't until today that I realized, sometimes... You can't always get what you want.

Emmi's birthday is Thursday, so I've concocted this entire plan to bake her a cake and sneak it back here in time for her birthday (seeing as we don't have ovens in Concordia). Today is the only day she has class when I don't so I decided to do some grocery shopping and get the cake mix I need. I went to Food Lover's Market at the mall and came back with two arm-breakingly heavy bags, but no cake mix. I looked everywhere! Not in the aisle with the sugar, not with the eggs, not by the sweets; it was nowhere to be found. On my way out, however, I found a store right next to the market with a bunch of sweet stuff. I went inside, arms full of groceries, to ask if they had cake mix or knew where I could get some. The first lady passed me onto another, and that one looked at me like I was crazy. So, I gave up on that expedition and carried my bags home. Here I am, obviously full after a delicious lunch with my new groceries, but still sad because I can't find cake mix :(

So the search continues... You all know how I am at party planning, but this time I'm a little worried. Will this be the 22nd birthday Emmi will never forget? Or will we be digging in to breakfast muffins disguised with candles? Stay tuned!

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