Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Tuesday's Post: Classes pt. 1

Monday evening I had my first Drawing class

I have Drawing with Emmi and two other girls from Concordia. The class was fun but felt really long. It started at 5:30 and went for 3 hours so we were pretty hungry and tired by the end. We played an ice breaker by saying our name and a word, then drawing an abstract shape. After that we drew mass, line, and scribbled gesture drawings of each other's poses. Then we drew each other's faces over and over with charcoal attached to a long stick, in order to draw more with our bodies. Next we each got an object that we kept under our desk to feel the surface and draw how it felt to us. Finally, we took our time drawing the texture of our faces by closing our eyes and moving our hands across our faces, drawing what we felt. We concluded the class by placing all our drawings in our own drawers and  then our teacher walked us out.

The class seems like it's going to be a lot of fun. There are only 7 of us and our teacher is awesome, plus she seems like she has a lot of things planned for us. I have this class every Monday so I'll let you know how it goes!!

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