Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Playing Catch-Up

Sorry I haven't been able to post! I caught a little cold after a rainy day in Cape Town so I've been trying to relax and sleep it off. Now, where did I leave off...

Saturday was our day in Cape Town. As I said, it was a little rainy but the sun peaked out a few times. We took buses to the waterfront and walked along the pier. We saw two dolphins swimming in the shore by the rocky beach and took a few pictures. Then we had a lunchtime snack (we were still pretty full from breakfast at McDonald's-- silly Americans!) at Mugg & Bean. LOVE that place; it smells like coffee and baked goods-- perfect for a cozy rainy morning.

Afterwards we explored the mall a bit and found a few shops we'd like to go back to during a girls' shopping weekend. Next we explored town just a bit and found a harbor cruise. We rode the Queen Victoria out through the harbor and saw a few seals, one of which was snuggled up in a tire. We had a few minutes after the tour to head back to the buses and then we drove up the mountain and saw the residential area before heading home.

Sunday was a relaxing day so there isn't much to write about. I'll take this spot to write about the people I've met so far. There is my flat-mate, Emmi. Across the courtyard are the boys, Nick from Seattle, Evan from Iowa, and Joe from Ohio. They are still waiting on one more roommate. One floor above them is Molly from Iowa, Lisa from Virginia, Kasey from New Jersey, and their newest roommate Kathryn from Seattle.Across the hall from them are Claudie, whose family is actually from South Africa so she is fluent in Afrikaans, Rebecca, and Maura. We have also met a few other people from Concordia: Natasha from N.C., and her roommate, Iris, from Finland; Another Rebekah, Taylor, Emily, Jordan, and Amy. The majority of international students here are either from the U.S. or Germany. We've met a few friends from Germany: Tobias, who is studying to be a Lutheran pastor and is here for a year, and his flatmate, Sven; Max, Tim, another Max who I met at the airport, as well as Birtr, Stephanie, and Moritz (airport, too).
From L to R: Kasey, Rebecca, me, Lisa, Evan
From L to R, back: Molly, me, Emmi, Lisa;
front: Joe, Evan, Nick
Monday began our week of "first meetings." The international students are taken care of very well here and the Post Graduate and International Office (PGIO) helps us with a lot. We have a few options for courses; there are IPSU courses, designed specifically for international students and taught in English. Then there are mainstream courses, taught in either Afrikaans, English, or 50/50 Afrikaans/English. Most international students don't take mainstream courses, but there are a few that will take them if they are in English. For example, Molly and Nick are taking biology in English. The classes are longer, usually three classes per week plus a lab, just like at home. IPSU courses, however, are only once or twice a week, and I have yet to see an IPSU course scheduled for a Friday.

We are only allowed to take 60 SA credits, or 15 US credits. I am taking Drawing on Mondays for 4 credits, Jewelry Design on Wednesdays for 4 credits, German on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 3 credits, and isiXhosa on Wednesdays and Thursdays for 3 credits, all with a total of 14 credits. I know for sure Drawing and German will transfer back, but I will have to find a way to make Jewelry and isiXhosa work.

So far I have had first meetings for Drawing and Jewelry. The date for isiXhosa says Wednesday the 23rd, so I'm going to go tomorrow and see if the class is there. German doesn't meet until next week.

Classes will last until Oct. 25th and then we have the option to take exams during a 1st or 2nd round. If you opt for 1st and fail you can try again for the 2nd round. I'm hoping to take 1st round and then travel.

That covers us up to today!

As I've said, I have been sick the past few days with a cold. This morning I walked to town for isiXhosa, only to get there and check my course book to see it is tomorrow. So, I walked down the street to the mall to find a pharmacy. I found Clicks, which has a pharmacy, but couldn't find any decongestant. I settled for a throat spray and then bought a hair dryer so I no longer have to walk around in the cold with wet hair (probably how I got sick in the first place).

Other than that I've been asleep the majority of the day and went to my first meeting for Jewelry. I'm really excited for that class because we get to make earrings, rings, a bracelet, and a necklace, all of which we get to keep! Then we walked a girl in our class to her next first meeting since she didn't know where it was (look at me getting these directions down!). Finally we walked home and had a quick dinner.

Student life is a bit boring compared to at home since we can't stay on the internet much and we don't have TV. Classes only take up a small portion of the day and the gym is across town. Not to mention it's very rainy and cold right now. I think in about a month or so things might pick up a bit but right now we're doing a lot of just trying to fill in empty time.

Until tomorrow, good night from South Africa!

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