Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Classes Pt. 2

Last night was my first German class and, boy, was it an experience! I had nothing to do all day until class started at 5:30, so I watched a movie, took a nap, and made some food. I got ready to leave around 5 and double-checked my IPSU course book for the location. I saw that the first meeting was actually at 5, so I rushed out and made it about 20 minutes late. They were completely understanding though, and a lot more people came in late.

We spent the first class getting acquainted by playing an introduction game. Then the lecturers taught us about where they're from. We learned a lot of random German conversation and played another game where we guessed which phrases were German and which ones weren't. I have class again Thursday and we'll do more basic things.

Auf wiedersehen! :)

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