Thursday, August 1, 2013

Classes Pt. 3... A Turn of Events

My post today should have been about my Jewelry Design course that took place last night, except it didn't. At first I was really excited to receive the text from my professor reading "Check your email for details about class. No class today." However, the email stated that the Wednesday class had been canceled due to too low enrollment numbers. This was the class I was most excited about so I was a little bummed out, plus the cancellation threw a bit of a kink in my plans...

I have to keep German because I need a real language to transfer back to WVU. I would rather take French but it is Monday and Wednesday, and I have Drawing Monday. I needed one more class to add because Jewelry was 4 credits, bringing me down to 10. I thought about adding an English course that would've fit perfectly into my schedule but it was only 2 credits, and I know that the other courses will not transfer back for as many credits as they account for here; Seeing as I need 12 credits to maintain scholarships, I had to play it safer than taking exactly 12 credits. So, long story short, I am now in Afrikaans on Monday and Wednesdays. Complicated but taken care of!

Tomorrow is our first day at the Kayamandi Primary School, which I'm really excited and just a little nervous about. I meant to read up on some isiXhosa beforehand so I could talk to the kids a little bit but I just haven't had time. Can't wait to tell  you guys all about it!

Goodnight from South Africa!

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