Sunday, August 25, 2013

Thursday: It's a Miracle!!

I'm not sure if I talked about this in a previous post, but I wore my nude flats the first night I arrived in Cape Town. They're my favorite shoes; they go with everything and they're really comfortable. I wore them through 4 airports, 2 shuttles, 1 hotel, and who knows how many subway trains. When I got to my room I took them off at the door, and that was the last time I saw them. Well, at least one of them...

So, as those of you who know me already know, my room is clean 5% of  the time and messy the remaining 95%. On top of that, the maid gave us blankets because our room is cold and since I already have a pretty warm blanket, I've been using it on the floor as a sort-of rug for when I need to stretch after running (the tile floors might feel good when it's warm out, but in winter... not so much).

Now, last Tuesday I went running with Damon and it was pouring so when I got home I showered and wanted to put warm clothes on. But... I didn't have shoes to match anything I wanted to wear. So, for the 10th time I decided to look through everything I own to find this one shoe. You have to understand, up to this point I had already looked everywhere for this shoe-- all three of my suitcases and the extra duffel bag I brought, all over my closet, under the bed, EVERYWHERE. So, I tried one. last. time.

I looked through the big suitcase, unzipping, unsnapping, un-velcro-ing, pulling it apart. And I did find a business card for Ronald Show, CPA, but no shoe. Onto the next biggest suitcase, then my carry-on, then the duffel... nothing. I jumped up to see the top of my closet, using a hanger to make sure it wasn't thrown up to the back somehow. I moved all my clothes around, put my other pairs of shoes together. I looked under the bed, on top of my desk, in the common area, under chairs, literally everywhere. Or so I thought...

I had given up and put on other shoes, and on my way out of my room I tripped on my make-shift "rug." One of my nude shoes was tucked under the corner so I went to pick it up and put it back in my closet to wait endlessly for it's mate. But, there was already a nude shoe in my closet. I had found it!!! I was so excited I wanted to run and wake Emmi up, or yell across the courtyard to the girls. But I was going grocery shopping with Damon and he's a guy. I couldn't waste my excitement on him because he just wouldn't understand. After that I completely forgot about my shoes. I meant to post about it immediately after but didn't get to it. The good news is, I did take pictures because I was so excited! So, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. And you can all rest easy knowing that I am happy in South Africa because I have been reunited with my favorite shoes! :)

Reunited and it feels sooo good!

Except that they're a little stinky...
 "4 airports, 2 shuttles, 1 hotel, 
and who knows how many subway trains..." 
yeah, you understand 

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