Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Happy Hump Day!

Monday was my grandma's birthday so I skyped her at 6am her time, noon here. I woke up feeling pretty nasty. I've had a cough for a few days but Monday morning I was completely sick. After calling her, I slept until about 4:30p, when I had  to get ready for drawing class. The class is 3 hours so it was miserable; I was sweating then I had the chills then I got really tired and achey. I watched a movie and went right to sleep when I got home.

Tuesday I woke up briefly a couple times, completely soaked. Gross, but at least my fever broke. I finally woke up at noon feeling much better but still had a pretty bad cough and sore throat. I made it to both of my classes, though! She let us out of Afrikaans early because everyone looked tired; ironically, that was the most energy I've had in the class since I slept so late. I was actually awake in German for once too, so at least being sick did something good for my academic career. Last night, though, I couldn't get to sleep until after 1am.

Today I feel much better, still a bit of a cough but I should be better by the weekend. Today is the day I don't have any classes, and, of course, it's the one day out of this entire week that it's raining. I missed out on a beautiful day Monday, but at least yesterday was still sunny. Starting tomorrow it's going to be sunny and warmer-- I'm so excited!!

Sorry this post is pretty lame, I just had to catch y'all up on where I've been instead of posting!

Good morning from South Africa! :)

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