Saturday, August 10, 2013

Lazy Saturdays are for Thinking

Hey Y'all!

We wanted to go to Cape Town today but a lot of us had homework so we decided to postpone until tomorrow. So I have been very, very lazy today! I rolled out of bed around 11, made breakfast and took it to the girls room. We sat around talking for a few hours then I helped Lisa with her LSCE (similar to VCE, but way more complex) lesson plans. I tried taking a nap but every time I started falling asleep we came up with a new idea. After that we laid around the courtyard a bit then went to dinner at The Slug and Lettuce and dessert at a froyo place. Now here I am, and it's almost 10 o'clock if that shows you how much time I've wasted.

Ok, so you've heard about my day and lack of productivity, but I promise days like these aren't actually wasted. It's no secret that studying abroad allows you to find yourself, but we didn't realize that it would make us question things that seemed so definite before we came here. We spent a lot of time talking today about what comes next, after this wonderful "vacation." One of my friends (sorry I won't say names-- angry parents, yikes!) was all set to take her GRE and apply to grad school, and now she might take a year off. Another isn't sure about whether to add another year or get it over with. And me? I thought once I picked interior design I was set, but who knows. I want to do it all- historic preservation, sustainability, architecture, my passion for planning in public relations and event planning, my minor in professional writing and editing. Then there's the idea of doing something that has nothing to do with school: I played violin for 14 years, should I go back to what I know best? My ballet instructor told me I have beautiful feet and the figure- should I go with the talents I was born with? Where is the line between a dream and possibility? How much longer do we really have to figure it all out?

Most of us are set to graduate in May (obviously, not me) but what happens after that? Is that something we can figure out in Africa? We're almost one month in and already our lives have been thrown off course... Where do we go from here? Well, T.I.A. (This is Africa).... I'm sure if we look hard enough we'll find an answer somewhere :)

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