Friday, August 9, 2013

Wednesday's Post: Food We Miss

I had no classes Wednesday so it was hard to think of a blog post. Then we sat around talking about pumpkin pie and I realized that there are a lot of foods we miss while we're here. Some you can find in the local stores but they taste differently, others you have to make from scratch, and some you can't find at all in South Africa. The ones we can't find at all are the ones we crave the most, of course. Here's what we've come up so far:

Foods that don't taste as good here:
Pizza- except for Roman's, most pizzas are a lot sweeter and much less saucier than American pizza
Anything that would be salty at home; we're constantly adding more salt to everything!

Foods we have to make from scratch:
Ok, so far none... we thought cake mix and pancakes (actually, flapjacks here) but we found them!

Foods we can't find at all:
Pumpkin Pie
Pickles-- I know I put this on the list above but that's because I found dill gherkins-- they're smaller and not nearly as crunchy, and of course not as salty
Mac 'n cheese (the way we're used to)

Foods we were surprised to find:
Cheetos (called NikNaks maize snacks)
Frosted Flakes (called Frosties)

Foods that are unique to here but are awesome:
A lot of the candy-- I really like Nosh or Niosh (?) bars

Good night from South Africa!

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