Friday, August 9, 2013

Women's Day Holiday

Today is a national public holiday, Women's Day, so we don't have class. Technically, most of us don't have class on Fridays anyway because there are no IPSU courses available. A lot of us, however, do VCE at the primary school, but not today because they, too, are out of school.

This morning I finally woke up to sunshine! We had a really warm week so the cold and rain caught me off guard these past few days. I decided to make the most of it and go running. I ran a good distance, down Bosman, onto Victoria, then down Rynveld to Banghoek and the rest of the stretch home. It felt so good to get back out on the road :)

When I got back everyone was sitting in the courtyard and had decided they wanted to hike today. I had just enough time to change and grab some food before we went out. We hiked Stellenbosch Mountain again, but this time we went all the way to the top of the first peak. The hike was pretty tough; it was very steep and at one point we actually had to climb up some rocks. But the view from the top was incredible and so worth it! Unfortunately I didn't have my camera but others took pictures so I'll have to borrow one to show. We looked to the left and saw the ocean then realized we could see Table Mountain and Cape Town!! It was stunning.

So far it's shaping up to be a nice weekend and the weather is cooperating! We might head to Cape Town tomorrow so stay tuned!

Good night from South Africa!

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