Friday, August 9, 2013

Thursday's Post: German!

Thursdays are such long days! I start at 10am, meaning I leave at 9:30am, and I'm not done until 7pm, so I'm not home til 7:30pm. My last class of the day is German and I love the class but at that point I'm so tired I can't focus. But! I decided since I gave you an example of Afrikaans, I would tell you a little about German.

We've learned introductions, but most of the words I can't write out because of the symbols. We have learned about several occupations and countries. The main difference I noticed is the grammar. In English, you can say "The boy ate the ice cream," with "boy" as your subject and "ice cream" as your object. If we switched  the subject and object, it would change the entire meaning of the phrase, and we'd have a scary situation. However, in German, you can switch your subjects and objects and still have the same meaning. This is where German is more lenient that English. German verb conjugation is more difficult than English, however. I took 3 years of Latin so I'm finding it easy but I still have to memorize the endings and think hard before I say something. The similarity between the conjugations is that "to be" is still very different and make no sense to anyone why it is the way it is!

Sorry I don't have too much to share with you but it has been such a long day and I am exhausted! Guten Abend from Suid Afrika! 

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