Sunday, August 18, 2013

Cape Point and Boulders Beach

We visited Cape Point and Boulder's Beach today with ISOS. It was a little chilly but otherwise the weather was beautiful. We met a new friend, Amy from Ireland, because we were all late for the bus and chose to ride in the van instead. It was SO much nicer; so much so that we went from 3 of us to a full van on the ride home because everyone was jealous of our VIP treatment :P

We drove through Simonstown to Cape Point, which is in the Cape of Good Hope and Table Mountain National Park. First we hiked up the steps to the lighthouse, which is where all the crazy pictures came from. We climbed over the side to get pictures on the edge of the rocks, spent an hour or so up by the lighthouse, then went back down to eat and go to the buses.

Next we drove down to the beach to pick everyone up and get some pictures. We saw a couple ostriches on the way but then one came down from the top of the mountain to the road we were on, which was really awesome.

After leaving Cape Point we drove to Boulders Beach and saw African Penguins. We got ice cream and shopped the marketplace, where I bought a dress for my friend Allie's baby Charlotte (she'll be born in December).

Now we're finally home and I'm a little exhausted, so enjoy these pictures!

Anddd videos!

Good night from South Africa! (:

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