Monday, August 5, 2013


In honor of the infamous craze over Shark Week back at home, I've decided to make today's post all about sharks. More specifically, about the ones my friends met this weekend! Now, you guys know I get seasick so I had to chicken out on this one but I promise you still won't wanna miss this post.

First of all, this is my friend Lisa:
Lisa is terrified of sharks. 
Here's the shark that wanted to eat Lisa's face off:
Yay Lisa for facing her fear!!

My friends Emmi, Molly, and Nick went, too.

They took some really cool underwater shots.

Evan and Cody were there too... 

Cody got a really cool video of the shark that tried to eat Lisa, but I can't embed it on my blog, so you'll have to find it on Facebook :)

Overall, they had a great time. While everyone at home is grabbing their popcorn to watch Shark Week, we kicked it off the right way! So glad my friends came home in one piece and weren't eaten by any vicious sharks... 

Or birds...

Happy Shark Week from South Africa! 

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