Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Tuesday's Post: Afrikaans!

Tuesday was quite a long day, so I apologize for not posting anything until now.

I had my first Afrikaans class and it was so fun that I thought I would share some basic words with you!

Hello- Hallo
Goeiemore! Hoe gaan dit? - Good morning! How's it going?

Some vocabulary we learned:
hopeloos- without hope
berge- mountains
donker- dark
goeie- good
loer- the act of looking at someone shyly so as not to let them see you
 * I love when languages have a simple word to describe a concept! :)

Other fun words:
geesdrif- uplifted spirit/ enthusiastic
vet pret- literally, "fat fun"/ a lot of fun
vriende- friends
taalspeletjies- language games
 *we learned all of these in a game, and this one happened to be mine to pronounce on my first day! I was a champ though :)

For homework, we were told to pick 2 letters and look in the dictionary for a word for each letter. This will be our vocabulary lesson on Thursday and we will all contribute 2 words. I chose "s" and "a" and picked the following words:
1. sagteband- paperback, softcover book
2. atjar- pickles

Goeiemore from South Africa! Have a wonderful day and look forward to Wednesday's actual post!

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