Saturday, August 17, 2013

Oops! Monday-Thursday

(Wrote this Thursday and was unable to post)

I haven't written since Sunday and I apologize! Once I miss one day I'm all off track. Instead of posting a blog for each day I think I'll just catch up on this one.

It has been a ridiculously rainy week. It doesn't matter what you wear or what you look like when you leave your flat, you will inevitably resemble a drowned rat when you reach your destination. My warmest, dryest boots soak through to my warmest, dryest socks, my raincoat can't defend against this kind of rain, and I lost my umbrella. So, needless to say, it's been a pretty unproductive week.

I'm going to be honest... Monday I did absolutely nothing until 5 o'clock, when I rolled out of bed and went to drawing class.

Tuesday I woke up early to run with my friend Damon. It was only my 3rd day back to running in I don't know how long so he pushed me pretty hard to keep up with him, and it poured the entire time. Don't get me wrong, all distance runners, especially myself, love a good rain-run, but this was just the kickoff to the rainiest day of my life. After the run we went for groceries. Just as we thought it cleared up (it didn't rain at all on the way to the store) we got halfway home and it poured, again. Then I had to make my way back to campus for class and it rained the whole way so I was a little late and very soaked. I'm happy to say that it finally cleared up a little after class so I was able to go out for dinner while my clothes dried out.

Wednesday I didn't have class but we decided to have a get-together in the evening to celebrate being abroad for one month so Emmi and I spent the day preparing. the party went really well and a lot of our other international friends camne. We also got to meet some new people- always love fresh faces!

Which brings me to today...

So far I can tell you, unsurprisingly, that it is raining. Thursdays are my long days so I have been in class since 10 o'clock.

This morning started with HIV&AIDS. We were divided into 5 groups so we can visit the community partners. I am in a group with 9 other girls and our partner is a youth outreach program. We will spend 3 class periods visiting them and creating a product to help spread HIV awareness. Next Thursday will be our first visit and we will mainly just have a discussion to set up the rest of the semester.

Next, in Afrikaans, we learned plurals and diminutives for the first hour, then body parts for the 2nd hour. The view from that room is beautiful because you can see the town and the mountains, but that also means I can see the rain and that makes me sleepy so it was a little hard to pay attention.

Tonight the boys are making us dinner-- alfredo pasta from scratch!! Should be interesting :)

Good night from South Africa!

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