Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Jammer! Sorry!

Hi, everyone!

I am so sorry ("jammer," in Afrikaans) that I haven't been keeping up with my blog every day, as requested by the honors program. There was so much to post about in the beginning so I didn't expect a daily blog to be so difficult. I'll catch up on anything I've left out over the week:

Last week is pretty much covered in a couple of previous entries. I was sick Monday and Tuesday, there was a free braai Thursday, held by Concordia.

Friday evening was Cape Town Night Out, hosted by ISOS. It was fun and we found a few good places to go but Cape Town is not nearly as clean, safe, or friendly as Stellenbosch. The streets were very crowded with people and cars were bumper to bumper. It looked a lot like the chaos that surrounds a festival, parade, or football game at home, except this happens each night when everyone goes out.

Saturday and Sunday were really nice so we spent a lot of time outside in the courtyard relaxing, reading and doing homework. Emmi was gone this weekend on a hike and a few of our other friends were on a weekend trip with the photography class so there weren't a lot of people around. We did manage to play a game of volleyball on Sunday with our German friends from Academia, though!

Which brings us to this week! :)

Monday was still a pretty nice day so I went to the courtyard to read but the clouds rolled in around 2:30. I had drawing at 5:30 so Emmi and I met for a pre-class snack in the Neelsie. DCM, a coffee shop in the bottom of the Neelsie, has these muffins the size of my head, and I somehow always manage to eat the entire thing, don't judge. Our drawing class shrunk yet again to 4 people. Unless the one guy comes back then it'll be just Emmi, Taylor, and I, along with another girl who I think is from Germany. Class went by faster because we ended up sitting around talking to our instructor a lot. She's a younger teacher, no older than 30, so she was telling us places to go around town for food and shopping.

Like clockwork, the rain moved in yesterday and it'll be here until at least Thursday night. In Afrikaans we prepared for our midterm exam, which will be next Thursday. I'm pretty confident in that class so I'm not too worried but sometimes technical stuff like grammar gets tricky. Plenty of study time though! Afterwards I had German, which I think we're all getting better at, especially with pronunciation. There's something about learning foreign languages that makes you automatically use an accent. I find myself trying to pronounce words with a European accent and it sounds ridiculous but I can't stop! If you've ever taken a language course you know exactly what I mean-- especially if that language was French or Spanish!

Today is rumored to be the worst day of the year, weather-wise. Thankfully I don't have class, but I do have a few errands to run. Tonight is the ISOS International Food Evening. I was expecting to go to Cape Town today so I didn't plan on cooking, but I volunteered to decorate our booth. I'll have to venture out in the rain to get poster board and supplies so wish me luck! The dinner starts at 6 and should be pretty interesting.

The rest of the week is pretty boring. We are going to open mic night tonight at Julian's and Friday is the Wine Society formal. So..the hunt is on for a formal dress! Yikes!

Until tomorrow! (For real this time, I promise!)

Hope your day is much drier than mine will be! :P

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