Sunday, August 25, 2013

Friday: VCE reflection

Prompt: Sustainable Development

As time goes on, we are realizing the compromises past generations have created for the present and future generations from their lack of understanding the repercussions of their actions; from this notion, the idea of sustainability arises. We are able to acknowledge a problem and creatively devise a solution, but we have 
started to focus more on the long term effects. Issues in our communities such as poverty, hunger, violence, pollution, etc., unfortunately cannot be helped with a short term solution. Further more,  a long term solution is nothing more than a well-disguised short term solution if it is not sustainable. Sustainable development is an important aspect of problem solving and community engagement because it requires us to think outside the box and  into the future. We have to ask, "will our ideas change an aspect of the community for a week, a month, a year?" and if so, "will the changes we make  matter years down the road?" A well-thought out plan that addresses just the smallest problem but is created within the mindset of sustainable development is more effective that a 
solution for a major problem that lasts only a few weeks. 

In our community engagement at Ikaya primary school, as well as all future engagements, we must keep our focus on sustainable ideas. As we go there each week to play games and teach about certain themes, we know that we are not making a giant step towards changing the world. However, in our minds we know that the relationships we form with the students and the lessons we teach them will impact their lives and hopefully influence them to continue their education because it can be fun and there are people out there who care about their success. Our changes aren't huge, but they are sustainable.  

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