Friday, September 20, 2013

Back to Sur-reality

It took a week but I'm finally back into the swing of things! VCE is canceled this week and next so I wanted to spend the day catching up on here. I'll start with Recess! :)

We left around 6am Sunday morning. Emmi, Natasha, and I (and all of our stuff-- mostly, Natasha's) squeezed into Alishea's car and headed east. We followed Dawn, who had Delaille, Ruanda, and Sarah in her car. We drove for about 4 or 5 hours before stopping for lunch in Plettenberg Bay. Luckily, it was a really beautiful day. I was tired and car rides put me to sleep anyway, so I slept a lot of the time, but I somehow always woke up to the perfect views. The ride through Wilderness and then down into Plettenberg Bay was so amazing! We followed the coast most of the way.

First time setting foot into the ocean!! :)

We had lunch at The Lookout Deck and then walked down to the beach before drive about another 4 or 5 hours. We arrived at the beach house at 5:30pm. Dawn's house is beautiful! The view was the first thing that attracted our attention. There was also a heated pool and jacuzzi. Naturally, the first thing we did was start the jacuzzi. Once the guys showed up we started braai-ing and then got in the beautiful mosaic jacuzzi, where the guys brought us champagne! Ivan took this picture of us right before he dropped his phone into the water. (Don't worry-- he saved it!)

The next day it was rainy so we made breakfast and sat around playing games and reading. That night we visited Dawn's friend at his beach house down the road. We had 11 people, but he had 18 staying with him! All of St. Francis is very beautiful so it was nice to get out of the house and drive around.

Tuesday started off rainy and very windy. Once the sun came out a little we decided to go down to the beach and lay out because it was pretty warm in the sun, but the wind was too crazy and we eventually decided to go back to the house. The boys went diving while we were laying out so we had a really awesome and fresh abalone dinner. I didn't think I liked seafood but I have to admit it was actually good, and it was so funny watching them make dinner in aprons.

Wednesday was our last full day so we decided to go for a hike. We were told it was a walk along the beach so most of us wore sandals. Little did we know... We rounded the corner of the bay and the wind was really rough. A few people decided to turn back so they wouldn't get sick. Emmi and I started running because it made it easier to get through the wind and we were talking about how the wind was blowing a lot of seawater at us. Turns out, it was actually starting to rain. The lighthouse was on the far end of the bay and looked sooo far away so we stopped to make a decision. Everyone else went back to the house except Emmi, Ruanda, and I, and Christian and Ivan. The boys walked behind us while we ran what felt like a marathon through a sandstorm. The wind was so rough we couldn't hear each other and the rain came straight down at us. Then the wind moved the sand on the beach so it was coming at our shins and ankles the whole run. It was rough but once we made it to the corner of the bay the sky cleared up a bit and we eventually made it to the lighthouse!

That night Emmi, Natasha, and I made a pasta and chicken dinner for everyone as thanks for inviting us to go with them. We had been wanting to go to Jeffrey's Bay all week so we decided we finally would for our last night. It's the off-season so the town was completely dead! And it was night so we didn't get to see the beach.

We left Thursday around noon, stopping for one last meal together in Mussel Bay. We made it to Stellenbosch around 10pm and poured ourselves into bed. The next day I had so much laundry to do and sand was everywhere! But it was such an awesome trip. We're so glad they invited us to come with them and we had a lekker time! ;)

Look for tomorrow's post about my week back in class! Can you believe we're over halfway done?! 

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