Monday, September 2, 2013

Bring On Test Week!

I didn't think test week would actually affect the international students since we are in all IPSU classes, but I was wrong! While I only have one test this week, an Afrikaans midterm on Thursday, this week is affecting me in all kinds of ways.

First, Concordia has enforced a 24-hour quiet time until Saturday so that everyone can study. Not that I plan on being loud and disruptive, but it made me realize how serious test week is. It's very much like our dead week during finals-- and this is just midterm. Wow.

Next, a lot of my friends are in mainstream courses or have more intense classes than I do. Everyone's been busy studying or writing papers. The Germans, who study a ton normally, have been locked in their rooms since Thursday. Emmi stayed up all night writing a paper. Molly just finished a paper today. Lisa's been working on LSCE papers. Sooo needless to say, I'm pretty bored. I've been spending my time studying too, but when I take breaks I have no clue what to do with myself.

Finally, none of my groups for classes have time to meet with each other to get anything done. In HIV we have to visit our community partner on Thursday and present our ideas of "products." And Friday we have VCE again.

It's all going to be worth it by the end of the week when RECESS STARTS :) Stay tuned for our plans for that.. And wish me luck on my midterm Thursday! Til then... Shhh! It's Test Week! :(

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