Monday, September 23, 2013

My Weekend

Saturday Emmi and I met up with Molly and Maura for lunch at Julian's and then went shopping. We bought a few outfits for Rocking the Daisies, which is a music festival on the first weekend of October. I always used to tell my mom that if we went to high school together we wouldn't be friends because we're so different, but since I've been here I'm starting to see that I am my mother's child. I bought 2 flowered head garlands to go with my outfits and I fully intend to be a flower child that weekend. I'll see how closely I can replicate her in the 70s! ;)

After shopping I relaxed for an hour or so and then went to dinner at this place called Man'oushe. It's a Lebanese restaurant in the art district. I was skeptical but it ended up being SO GOOD. I had a lamb and chicken kabob with pita and hummus. I should have listened to everyone's warning about how spicy the chili bread is because I took one small bite and started to cry and sweat haha. Since the only seats left were at the bar, the chef himself came over to bring me normal bread and water. He was very sweet but also very talented, which made for a nice dinner show. The food was amazing; it pays off to try new things! And, I will admit that I am now a fan of hummus! :)

Yesterday was a relaxing day. The sun was out and hot so Emmi and I stayed in the courtyard for most of the day then watched a movie with our friends last night. Overall, it was a good weekend and the weather seems to be getting nicer now :)

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