Sunday, September 1, 2013

Wine Society Formal

Friday evening, Lisa, Molly, and I went to the Wine Society formal closing function. We had no idea what to expect, as in how to dress, how many people were going to be there, what we'd be doing, etc. Lisa and I found dresses at a store called Skye London at the mall. We rushed to get ready around 5pm and left for the bus at 6:15. We were nervous when we saw that there weren't very many people on the bus, and later we came to realize that it was a much smaller function than what we expected, but it ended up being nicer that way.

The bus drove us to Tokara, a beautiful winery in the mountains with an amazing view. I had been there one other time when we went wine tasting so I was really excited for the girls to see it. Inside there's artwork everywhere (we actually had to sign a paper saying if we broke anything the society was not responsible!) and the room we were in had an industrial feel. It was very fancy and formal inside. There were 5 tables set up. We met with 2 other girls that are from South Africa, Sam and Rachel. We talked about school and the area and found out that Sam's brother is actually in America and she's studied there before too.

We were given 10 bottles of wine per table: 6 white and 4 red. I drank mostly red, but I tried the white at the end of the night and it was surprisingly refreshing. Our first course, the starter, came out around 8pm. It was a souffle with cheeses and vegetables surrounding it.

After starters the president, or chairman, and a few other executives gave speeches since it was their last time with the society. They introduced the new executives and then the main course was served. The main course was beef sirloin. They don't cook their meat as long here and I usually prefer mine medium well, but this was pink. It was good though, I actually enjoyed it a little juicy.

After the main course we were able to walk around and we went to the photo booth. We took pictures with the 2 girls we knew, then one by ourselves, and one with our waiter. We were called back early because dessert was served. We had malva pudding, which is really hard to describe but it was delicious!! It was two balls of something similar to chocolate cake with a square of something similar to merengue but tasted sweeter, like whipped cream. On top of that was a scoop of ice cream and white chocolate. I almost forgot to take a picture before I ate all of it!

Overall, we had a lot of fun. We'll definitely go back sometime so we can see the view during the day. We still had a nice view of the city and all the twinkling lights but we weren't able to capture it well in pictures. 

The view at night 

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