Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Start of the End

As you know, this was our first week back to class after our week-long break. It is also the start to the 4th term, and therfore, the home stretch! I now have five weeks of classes left and I can't believe how quickly time has gone by.

This week in drawing we were able to get out of the classroom and draw a corridor in the Visual Arts Building. It was actually a lot of fun because I'm used to this kind of perspective drawing in interior design, plus it was only Emmi and I in our corridor so we were able to talk and the time passed pretty quickly. Plus, the buildings here are old and beautiful! That night we went to a movie, but it started at 10:30, so needless to say I fell asleep pretty quickly when I got home.

Tuesday I had Afrikaans and German. I got an 89% on my Afrikaans midterm. I'd be okay with that at home because it would be a B+, just 1% short of an A, but here an A- starts at 75%, so I did pretty well!! :)

As usual, Wednesday was my day off so I had lunch with Vici, Lisa, and Emmi, and then got a few groceries. I hate to use my card so I took cash out, this time from NedBank which I've never used, and I was charged an $18.00 fee!! Sooo, I think I'll stick to ABSA or Standard. That night we went to see The Bling Ring. I've been so excited to see this movie, but it was a little bit of a let down because it never got too exciting.

Thursday was a long day: HIV course, then Afrikaans, then German. But afterwards Casey and I went to Bohemia to eat and watch the live band. Unfortunately, we ordered our pizza at 7:15, and when it hadn't come by 8:30 we realized something was wrong. That was when our waitress told us she forgot about our order! It was okay though because a lot of our friends came to meet us so we had time to talk to them.

And finally, Friday. No VCE this week or next, so I spent the day relaxing and watching tv shows online. It rained really hard for most of the day; there was even hail at one point!

As for my weekend... Soon I will go to the Oude Bank Bakkerij for brunch and then if the weather cooperates I will explore town a bit. Tomorrow there is a Whale Festival at Hermanus, so we're hoping to go to that. Either we will ride with our AIFS friends, ask a friend for a ride, or rent a car to get there. Should be fun! :)

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