Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Hunt for Hummus

About a week ago, after eating at Man'oushe, I decided I like hummus. In fact, I've been craving hummus and pita bread ever since. I keep meaning to buy some, but with Tuesday and Wednesday off I had no motivation to go into town. Finally, today, I went to Checkers to pick up a few things. I took my time and walked down every aisle but couldn't find anything. I asked a woman who works there and she looked at me like I was crazy. I had to repeat myself twice, then she passed me off to another guy who works there. I swear he said "hummus? like in a cup?" and even made the hand motion, then led me to the other side of the store. Once he took me down the hardware aisle I realized we might have a little confusion... Then he handed me a hammer. I tried to explain hummus as a Mediterranean spread and he asked for another translation but still had no clue what I meant and thought I was crazy, so I gave up on Checkers and headed home.

Luckily, after Afrikaans and without the heavy bags to carry home, I decided to look somewhere else. Thank goodness for Food Lovers!!!! I found hummus right across from the cheeses! Cannot wait for that afternoon snack of hummus and pita tomorrow-- I think I put in enough work, it'll be a well-deserved meal!

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