Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Ek Praat Afrikaans!

Today was my FINAL final!! I had my Afrikaans oral this afternoon. We had to bring in pictures about ourselves and say a few sentences about them. Here they are! (:

Die foto het op my verlede dansopvoering geneem. Dit is my ma, Marilyn. Sy is vernoem na Marilyn Monroe. Sy is vir en vyftig en sy ht rooi hare. 

This photo was taken at my last dance recital. This is my mother, Marilyn.  She is named after Marilyn Monroe. She is 54 and she has red hair.

Dit is my kerel, Steven. Hy is twee end twintig en hy bestudeer om 'n chiropraktisyn wees. Ons het in die hoƫrskool en ons het al saam vir vier jare.

This is my boyfriend, Steven. He is 22 and is studying to become a chiropractor. We met in high school and we have been together for four years.

Ek bywoon Universiteit Wes Virginia. Dit is 'n voetbal spel; ons span is baie goeie! Ons kleure is blou en goud, en ons gelukbringer is die Bergklimmer.

I attend West Virginia University. This is a football game; our team is very good! Our colors are blue and gold and our mascot is the Mountaineer.

Ek bestudeer binne ontwerp en argitektuur. Dit is een van my eerste projekte.

I study interior design and architecture. This is one of my first projects.

Daar is tien meisies in my klas. Hulle het ook in die buiteland te studeer. Sewe is in Londen, een is in Skotland, en een is in Australie.

There are ten girls in my class. They are also studying abroad. Seven are in London, one is in Scotland, and one is in Australia.

My gunsteling stokperdjies is dans en speel die viool. My vriend, MJ, het my vir 'n projek gefotografeer.

My favorite hobbies are dance and playing the violin. My friend, MJ, photographed me for a project.

Dit is my finale orkes konsert.

This is my final orchestra concert.

Die foto het op Allie's troue geneem. Ons het in die universiteit. Sy woon in Alaska en sy verwag haar eerste kind, Charlotte, in Desember.

This photo was taken at Allie's wedding. We met in college. She lives in Alaska and is expecting her first child, Charlotte, in December. 

Dit is my vriend, Andrea. Sy was Cinderella by Disneyworld!

This is my friend, Andrea. She was Cinderella at Disneyworld!

Dit is my vriende, Molly en Kolby. Molly is 'n aktrise in New York City. Kolby bywoon Universiteit Wes Virginia en sy is betrokke. 

These are my friends, Molly and Kolby. Molly is an actress in New York City. Kolby attends West Virginia University and is engaged.

Dit is my vriend, Samantha. Sy bestudeer ingenieurswese. Sy en haar kerel hang met Steven en ek baie. 

This is my friend, Samantha. She studies engineering. She and her boyfriend hang out with Steven and I a lot.

Dit is my beste vriend, Kylie. Sy wil trou in Junie.

This is my best friend, Kylie. She will get married in June.

Dit is my beste vriend, Kayla. One is vriende vir veertien jare.

This is my best friend, Kayla. We have been friends for fourteen years.

Dit is my nuwe vriende. Hulle is van Iowa, Washington, Virginia, en Ohio. Ons was vir die erste keer in Kaapstad. 

These are my new friends. They are from Iowa, Washington, Virginia, and Ohio. We were in Cape Town for the first time. 

Dit is my woonstelmat, Emmi. Sy is uit Montana. 

This is my flatmate, Emmi. She is from Montana. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

A Day Out in Stellies

Since I don't have any class this week, I have a whole bunch of free time to fill. It's really nice out so I thought it'd be fun to show you all a little more of Stellenbosch! :)

First up is the Sasol Art Museum, where we went for drawing last week. 

Everything else comes from today, as you can probably tell by the weather. This is the engineering building, next to where I live at Concordia.

Here's a small residence across from engineering on your way into campus. Not sure of the name of the house, but I wanted to get a picture because of the cool thatch roof and eyelid window. 

Directly next to that house is the JC Smuts Faculty. I walk through this building to get to campus. This pictures makes campus look as warm as it feels finally! 

The following are of the Landbouwetenskappe, or Agriculture Sciences, building. 

Here's one of the most interesting buildings on campus: J.H. Neethling. ("Gebou" means building.)

Here's a small sample of the "rooi plein," or red plain, with the library and J.S. Marais statue. All those stairs lead down to the underground library.

This is one of the most interesting buildings on campus, J.H. Neethling. ("Gebou" means building.)

 This is Visual Arts,where I had drawing class. The entire part of the second floor that you can see sticking out on the right-hand side was our studio!

The next building is J.S. Marais, which I think is different from the other buildings because of the simple entryway. 

 A more classically-styled building, the Statistics building.

The Konservatorium, where concerts and recitals are held. Unfortunately I couldn't get in today.

A few architectural details along the walk...

 The Harmonie residence hall was my favorite building of the whole day. The front porch reminded me a lot of a porch in the South. The house is really nice and the landscaping makes it look like a nice country home.

The national flower, Protea, and a few other shots at the Botanical Gardens.

This area is full of Bed & Breakfast's, and they photograph really nicely with the mountains in the back. 

A house in one neighborhood that looks modern enough to be found in any American neighborhood. I love this house, especially the gate to get in. 

Next up is my all-time favorite building, the Theology building. 

A few more shots around town, including the iconic Dutch-reform church and church house next to it.