Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Here Comes the Sun, Little Darlin'


It's finally starting to feel like summer here in Stellenbosch. Now, I'm not complaining, because I grew really really sick of rain, but I will say that it went from a Pacific Northwest Spring to a Sahara Summer in one day. Over the weekend, the weather was nice but cloudy, and a light jacket and pants were still necessary. Yesterday I woke up to go running and that's when it really hit me: I'm. In. Africa. I couldn't go further than 2 miles because the sun was beating straight down on me. I thought this new path I took would have more shade than my normal one, but I was dead wrong. I came home with sweat-soaked clothes, chapped lips, and a sunburn. These frigid tile floors have never felt better. And yes, I threw myself right down on them.

Ok, I might be over-exaggerating just a teeny bit, but it definitely is getting warmer here. I can't complain; the weather is beautiful. But I'm a little worried about this thing they call the real summer... It's only September, which in East Coast, America compares to about March. Oh boy.

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