Thursday, October 10, 2013


Today was our last day with our community partners for HIV class, which means we had to present our final product to the Youth Outreach Center workers. Our product is a board game, called DARE, and beads and string to make bracelets with DARE written on them. As I may have said before, we chose "dare" because we want to banish the stigma that surrounds HIV and encourage the youth to dare to ask questions and take control of their sexual health.

We presented the game today and the social workers really liked it. We played one game with them so we could see how it works and adapt it. The only changes they made were to a few playing directions and they wanted more "slides." Our plan now is to get the board and cards laminated, show our work in the presentation next Thursday, and return everything to the center so that they may play the game with the youth to educate them about HIV.

The game in progress

Finished product being presented at the center 

Playing with the workers 

Photo cred: Willemijn Van Lookeren Campagne

Photo cred: Willemijn Van Lookeren Campagne

Photo cred: Willemijn Van Lookeren Campagne

Photo cred: Willemijn Van Lookeren Campagne

Final product after adaptations, before being laminated. 

My DARE bracelet :)

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