Friday, October 11, 2013

Another Day in Kayamandi

Just like every other Friday, we woke up early and headed out to Kayamandi this morning. I finally decided I should take a few pictures to show you all what we've been doing there!

Our theme this week was Birds, and our lesson plan for the day was a craft activity, "Birdie on a Perch," and 3 dances to songs about birds. When we first got there we handed out nametags and explained the first activity to the kids, which the teachers help in translating of course. We described how birds are different than other animals because they have feathers, and then made wings for them to wear. Unfortunately, we didn't realize it would take about 30 minutes to complete this activity! But nonetheless, the kids were excited about their wings and proud that they made them.

We planned to do the dances next, but it was too loud to hear my speakers, so we tried Birdie on a Perch. It's a traditional camp game where players are paired up and one partner stands in a middle circle and the other in an outer circle. The players in the two circles move in opposite directions and then when someone shouts "birdie on a perch!" players must find their partners. Well, with the language barrier and all the distraction (and, ahem, cheating..) we realized the game wasn't going to work. Luckily, another group's music was loud enough that all the classes joined together to dance. The kids really love getting to dance around with us and a few went to the middle to show off this time! We had a lot of fun despite a few setbacks! :)

P.S. Here's a video of our dancing! :)

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