Thursday, October 3, 2013

Countdown to Daisies!

As I may have mentioned, the huge music festival Rocking the Daisies starts tomorrow! I will be leaving with a big group of our friends around noon. It's about an hour drive and once we get there we'll set up our tents, grab a bite to eat, and listen to amazing music. When I first bought my ticket I had never heard of half the bands so I've been trying to listen to a few of the popular ones, and I really love some of their songs. Here are a few samples of what we'll hear this weekend:

My favorite band, Al Bairre. Saw them live at Bohemia! :)

Alt-J, the only band the Americans have actually heard of!

Gangs of Ballet, I obviously checked them out because of their name

Woodstock Mafia, another Bohemia band

The festival will run from noon tomorrow until noon Sunday and I have no clue what to expect but a ton of fun in the sun with friends and music. Look for an update and pictures Sunday! In the meantime, here are pictures from past RTD:

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