Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Crunch Time!

The last weeks of class are upon us! I have been pretty busy trying to finish up final projects and prepare for final exams. My To-Do List:

1. Prepare for Drawing Exhibition, Wed. Oct. 23.
2. Prepare for Afrikaans final: written, Thurs. Oct. 24, and oral, Tues. Oct. 29.
3. Prepare for German final: written and oral, Thurs. Oct. 24.
4. HIV Community Project: DARE board game and bracelets, due Thurs. Oct. 10.
5. Prepare HIV Final Presentation and Worksheets, due Thus. Oct. 17.
6. Study for HIV Final Exam, Thurs. Oct. 24.
7. Plan going-away parties.
8. Plan holiday parties.
9. Plan trips for November.

You may have noticed, as I literally just realized, that I have three exams on Thursday the 24th: HIV @ 10am, Afrikaans written @ 2pm, and German written and oral @ 5pm. OH BOY.

Luckily, the HIV project is a group one and is finished. We will deliver the board game to our group tomorrow morning, so I'll post pictures after! And drawing is dependent on what we've already done, so at least I don't have to do much for that!

Wish me luck on the next few weeks-- looks like I could use it! :)

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