Thursday, October 24, 2013

Done! (Well, almost...)

I had my THREE final exams today!

This morning was HIV. It was all written and took about 45 minutes to complete. Needless to say my hand was completely cramped at the end but I think I did pretty well.

This afternoon I had my Afrikaans written exam. It was way harder than I thought! The whole test was based off a picture. We had to listen to sentences then mark True or False; then we listened to conversations and named the people in the picture who were talking; then we had to answer questions and fill in blank parts of conversations. I was the first done but I don't think I did well. I didn't fail though, I'm pretty sure!

Finally this evening I had both my German oral and written exams. Both went really smoothly. The oral was in a big group and took about 20 minutes. The written only took me about 20 minutes to finish and was really easy so I feel good about it.

It's a relief to be mostly done finally! I have my Afrikaans oral exam next week, but that'll be easy. Now it's time to relax and figure out what to do with my time! :)

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