Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Time flies...

I can't believe it's the middle of October! If I had booked my flight before I came here, I would be leaving next weekend, which is insane to think about. Good thing I waited!

As of tomorrow, I have been in this beautiful place for THREE months! Everyone warned me that this time would fly by. I feel like we've barely had time to do anything, yet the semester ends next week.

Tonight is Concordia's Halloween braai, then tomorrow is ISOS's closing function.

Saturday is the Color Run in Cape Town! So excited!

Sunday we're hoping to meet up with our friends in AIFS for the beach.

Then begins the craziest week yet...

Monday is our last drawing class.

Tuesday morning is a make-up session/field day for drawing. We'll be going to the art museum and then drawing landscape. We'll do our last marks afterward.

Tuesday is also my last Afrikaans and German class.

Thursday is my HIV exam, Afrikaans written exam, and German written & oral exams.

Then Friday will be our last visit with VCE.

Should be an interesting week or so! I'll be officially done after my Afrikaans oral exam, which is the following Tuesday at 2pm. Then it's Halloween and then NOVEMBER... what?!

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